I'm having difficulty drawing blood from my finger. How can I enhance blood flow?Updated 3 months ago
Follow these steps to prepare for easier blood collection:
- Staying well-hydrated before the test is beneficial.
- Wash your hands under warm water for at least 2 minutes.
- Swing your arms at your sides for at least 30 seconds to boost circulation.
- We suggest choosing your ring or middle finger for sample collection. Rub the tips of your middle and ring fingers until they feel warm.
- Position the lancet on the side of your finger, avoiding the center.
- Gently massage your palm toward your finger to encourage blood to flow into the collection circles.
Please note that each drop should fill at least 75% of the collection circle. See examples here!
Still have questions? Watch this video https://miracare.com/assets/lab_test_instruction.mp4