What is the difference between E2 and E3G?
The E3G in urine are metabolized products of the E2 in the blood, they do not share the same unit. The unit of E3G is ng/ml, the unit of E2 is pg/ml. But they share the same increase and decrease patten.
The E3G in urine are metabolized products of the E2 in the blood, they do not share the same unit. The unit of E3G is ng/ml, the unit of E2 is pg/ml. But they share the same increase and decrease patten.
Our E3G level fluctuates from woman to woman and cycles to cycle. Generally, it will be around 10-100 during the follicular phase and rise to 100-640+ when close to ovulation. Because of the self-regulating effect of estrogen, the rise of E3G when...
E3G is a metabolite of estrogen in the urine. It stimulates an LH surge. The E3G level rises 1-3 days before an LH surge. Its rise often overlaps with the beginning of the fertile window.