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How to delete my Mira App account?Updated 4 months ago

To delete your Mira App account and remove all your data, please follow the steps below:

  1. In-App Deletion:
    • Open the Mira app on your device.
    • Navigate to the Menu section.
    • Click on Your Name to access your profile settings.
    • Select the Delete Account option.
    • You will be prompted to confirm the deletion of your Mira App account. During this step, you can also choose whether to allow Mira to retain anonymized data for research purposes. Anonymized data doesn't contain personally identifiable information and is used to improve Mira's services. If you prefer, you can select to remove all your data entirely.
  2. Confirmation of Deletion:
    • After confirming your choice, your Mira App account and all associated data will be permanently deleted, unless you have opted to allow anonymized data retention for research.
    • You will receive a notification in the Mira app confirming that your account has been successfully deleted.

Please note: Deleting your Mira App account is irreversible. Once your account is deleted, you will not be able to retrieve any of your data or access our services with that account.

You can also request deleting your account through an email and our team will do it for you. Please contact us to initiate this process.

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