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Taking medicine/ Health issue

I have some health issues. Can I use Mira to help me get pregnant?

Mira measures your actual fertility hormone levels and learns your cycle over time, so it will help you find out when you are fertile and infertile. As for people with some health issues, we suggest you ask for your doctor’s advice.

Does Mira work with advanced maternity age (40+)?

Mira can definitely help you conceive after age 40. Especially due to its lab-grade technology designed to pinpoint your ovulation and actual fertility hormone levels. By measuring your hormone concentrations (LH+E3G+PdG) with Mira, you can...

Does Mira work with Endometriosis?

Yes, Mira can help you if you have endometriosis. In fact, if you do not wish to undergo invasive surgeries or fertility treatments, it’s still possible to conceive by tracking your menstrual cycle. This way, you’ll be able to identify when you’re...

Can I use Mira if I take Clomid?

As you know, Clomid helps with follicle development by stimulating the Luteinizing hormone (LH) and the Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) release. FSH helps with follicle development and LH triggers ovulation. The stimulation of Clomid may result...

Can I use Mira if I have an ovarian cyst?

If you ovulate, Mira can detect your hormone change before ovulation. Some people with ovarian cysts may have hormonal issues. Mira can track improvements and treatment efficiency, as well as identify any red flags that you may not already know.

Can I use Mira if I take Metformin or Letrozole?

If you ovulate, you can track it with the Mira Fertility Max Wand or Fertility Plus Wand. You can even use Mira to tell if an ovulation stimulation drug is working.However, this drug is used to adjust your hormone level, so your levels will be...